Journaling Through the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Journaling thoughts, prompts, questions, and exercises
A Love of Journaling Series
A Journaling Thought:
We are in Week 3 of this Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and era (age) or social distancing.
I do not know about you, but in some ways, it seems this has been going on for months and in other ways, it seems like days.
I just read (at 1115 a.m. on April 15, 2020) that there are now over 2 million cases worldwide.
Journaling Prompts or Questions:
Feel free to journal your thoughts about anything shared in “A Journaling Thought.”
So, how are you doing? (Journal your answer. Take your time and think and pray this through. Capture all your feelings and thoughts on the page.)
How is your family doing?
Your home?
Your work?
Your friends?
Your coworkers?
Your church?
Your state?
Your county?
Your city?
Your neighborhood?
Your block?
How would you have answered these questions differently yesterday? Last week? The week before?
How have you been handing things?
How can you handle this situation better?
What have you learned through all this?
It’s Time to Stop and Reflect: Journaling Prompts, Questions, and Exercises:
How much reflection have you had through all this?
How have you been taking care of yourself? Your family?
What have you learned through slowing down?
What have you learned from staying home?
What blessings have you learned you have/had?
Later in life, what do you want to say about how you handled this Coronoavirus situation?
List 25 more blessings you have in your life.
Christian Journaling Prompts and Questions:
What has the Lord said to you through this?
What have you said to the Lord?
What Bible verses, passages, chapters, books have you read through this time?
What verses have you clung to?
What have you prayed?
How is your spiritual life through this?
Have you clung to the Lord and His Word or have you been doing other things?
Have you sought the Lord first through this?
Have you sought the Bible first through this?
How has reading and praying the Bible helped you through this?
How has your faith been shaped through this virus?
How has your faith been forever transformed through this Coronavirus (COVID-19)?