Every article, blog post, or book you read is one voice. One
patch in front of your nose on the mural. Journal your feelings and thoughts.
Every person you speak to and listen to is one patch in
front of your nose on the mural. Journal your feelings and thoughts.
Every story you hear on the news, every story you hear from
another individual, is only one story of the trillions going on right now and
are just a small patch of that mural. Journal your feelings and thoughts.
Since what you read, hear, and experience are patches of the
mural of the world in this one moment in time, can you see that you have a very
limited point-of-view? (This is a true statement, so answer it as such, and be
completely honest with yourself about this. Journal your feelings and thoughts.
Be thorough. Write far more than you feel comfortable with or want.)
With possibly having a life of 27,735 days… and with living
in the city you live in, with the circle of family and friends you have, what
you see, know, and experience is limited, compared to 27,735 days… and compared
to the totality of the world. We only see what is in front of us on that mural.
With every comment I make hereafter about being limited, I
am speaking compared to the previous paragraph (and 27,735 days and the 195
nations of the world right now):
Journal your thoughts and feelings about each (all) of these
What you know in this moment is limited.
What you experience right now is limited.
What you read right now is limited.
What stories you hear is limited.
What theories you read or hear are limited.
What opinions you read or hear are limited.
Yes. Even what you believe right now about is limited.
Now, go back and look at each of those statements and
journal how each of those things are limited and explain how what you think you
know about them is true.
Then, how could what you think of each of those things be
off and not quite right because of the limitations.
We must first acknowledge that what we see, know, and believe,
are all viewed through the lens of all we have experienced and learned in the
past (including yesterday and the last hour). And since we are one person in a
great big world in a 75-year point of time (if we live to age 75), in the city
that we live in, what we know from the past is limited.
Then, we must acknowledge that what we see and know today is
limited to what we know today. What we see and know today is based off what we experience,
read, and hear today, through the lens of everything of our past. And all of
that is limited.
The same came be said about a current event, of something
going on the news.
For instance, say I live in Denver, Colorado and a current
event has happened. All I know is what I read in the newspaper, see on the
news, read about online and in social media. So, this is what I believe to be
true. I think that in fact happened. And I trust the people who wrote the
articles, and reported on the news, are true and accurate.
But, I need to remember that what they know is limited to
their own experiences and place in life and in the world. So what they report
is limited.
And what my family, friends, and co-workers say is limited.