When you journal, it helps if you are as thorough as possible and keep returning and reviewing what you Journal, so you can the add even more to what you journaled. 

Why? You might wonder.

The journaling rule of thumb is true here. Always. The more you out into your journaling, now and later, the more you will get out of it. The more you will be blessed by it. This is true whether you realize it or not.

The unconscious mind is a tricky creature. There is stuff going on inside there we are aware. It is always working and is always filing information to store in our brains (everything we think, feel, and experience) and is always trying to process the data stored. And as the subconscious mind processes the date stored, it is then refilling that information into different files in our brains. This process is what we do not even know is going on inside of us at all times.

The more data we store, the more our unconscious and brains can process and file things away in the best way to do the most good for us. 

When we fail to produce data for our subconscious minds, by failing to think things through, we do great disservice to our brains because we cannot process things, or file them away, in the best way possible. It is like we dehydrate our brains and unconscious when we fail to think. Journaling, nonetheless, helps us hydrate our unconscious and helps our brains work to their maximum ability and benefit. 

This means you will be healthier in every single way, the more you journal. 

I wish more people would know all this. It is life-transforming truth and can make us all better people who live better lives, which would make the world a better place. 

I hope this helps you appreciate the journaling rule of thumb all the more. The more you put into your journaling, the more you will get out of it. 

So, write, write, write... and journal, journal, journal. 

If you do a journaling prompt and all you write is one sentence and then become blank, challenge yourself to journal four more sentences. Even if it has nothing to do with that prompt. Then, see if you can write more about that prompt. 

A couple of times per day, go back and read your journal and write anything else that comes to mind, about that topic, but also anything else that is seemingly random. After all, every word you capture on the page, whether you realize it or not, is useful to you and your subconscious as your brain files the new data, processes what is stored, and reprocesses and refiles everything given the new information the brain has been given. 

Hence, hear me loud and clear. Please. This is very critical. This is very important. Do not miss this point:

Every word you journal is extremely useful, whether you know it or not (because your subconscious mind and brain uses every piece of data). (!!!!)

As a matter of fact, every word you do not journal can hurt you because your unconscious and brain do not process and file the data correctly. So, journal. Then, Write some more. Write as much as you can and then write some more. (I am being very redundant intentionally and it is to make a point.) 

With how our subconscious and brain work, it is helpful to journal through that which you do not want to, along with the things that make you uncomfortable. This makes us healthier. Never mind how if you journal something once and are thorough about it, no matter how difficult it is, a lot of times, we will not need to do so again. After all, this act frees us so we can think about things more clearly and are healed (at least partially, but a lot of times, we are healed quite a bit. 

Here is another reason to journal as much as possible, given everything you have read in this section. Even the most random thoughts that do not make sense, write them in your journal. Even when what you think may seem unworthy or unfit for the page, know that it matters. Every feeling, every thought, every experience is useful to you and your subconscious and brain will use all of it to make your brain as effective as possible. So, keep journaling, and then journal some more.

But, do not focus only on the negative things or the challenges in your life. This can be unhealthy and detrimental. Note that I didn't say not to think on them. Nor did I say not to journal about it. Rather, I said to not ruminate and keep thinking of the negative and challenging things in your life. 

Don't fixate on them, but do not avoid them either. Rather, strike a healthy balance.

Make sure to not just look at the good things either. That is in unhealthy as well. Balance is the key.

Rather, think and journal of some good things, then some of the storms or challenges, then good, then the challenges. Try to do a healthy balance of each, but with a little more focus on counting your blessings, though. 

Journal as much as possible. Even if it is random or does not make sense. Keep journaling. And then journal even more. 


  • Journal all of your feelings and thoughts as you read this journaling thought.
  • Journal what you learned.
  • Journal about what you are going to do after reading this journaling thought. 
