Welcome to the main page of "Journaling Through the Book of Matthew" and the 22 Verses Series.
I started writing this book on November 17, 2021, Wednesday.
Therefore, please bear with me, because this is a work in progress.
Since I am writing this book, the truth of the matter is I cannot feasibly put everything in the paperback version of this book that I would like, otherwise it would be a couple thousand pages. Nonetheless, it's here on this blog, and in this specific blog post, that you'll be able to find additional information, and even my own personal journaling as I embark on this first 22 Verses journey through Matthew.
That being said, after I get this book (journal-devotional) published, I hope to publish an e-book that will hold all the extras from this blog and from my personal journal. Moreover, I will add every book of the Bible we journal through together and all my stories and personal journaling in one resource. I hope to add your comments, questions, and stories as well. Additionally, I will add additional material to previous books. Therefore, I will publish this all-inclusive, unabridged book every year. So eventually, I will get everything in one spot. The e-book form is the only feasible way to do this. This additional yearly resource will just take a while, so stay tuned. (I hope this makes sense.)
Read these links in order for the best reading and journaling experience:
~ First This is the first introduction and explanation of 22 Verses and Journaling Through the Book of Matthew.
Check here frequently for additional information and links.