When we want to hear God... And when we want to make sure we are hearing God clearly...

Do you ever not hear God?

Do you want to hear God?

Do you want to receive guidance from the Lord?

Do you want to make sure you hearing God clearly?

Do you want to know a foolproof way to hear from the Father?

Open the Bible and read.

Yep. It's really that simple.

The Bible is the WORD of God. It is how He speaks to us. 

Do you want to hear God? Open the Bible and read.

Do you want to make sure you hearing God clearly? Open the Bible.

Also, make sure to take the time to listen, to hear Him, and do what He says. 

The best way to hear from God is by being in the Word and through keeping our mouths shut... and listen to what He says through the Bible in this moment. Then in the next. And in the next.

Continually meditate on the Bible and read it through (as we listen). This is the key to hearing God.

It's so simple.

It's so obvious.

We forget this sometimes. 

So let's open our Bibles and listen to how He wants to guide us and teach us in this moment.
