Why do we undervalue and minimize the things of eternal value?

The Bible tells us to do a few things all the time, without stopping (ceasing), and always. They are: rejoicing, praying, meditating on the Bible, and giving thanks. But, I also would add loving and giving. 

We are to do those things 24/7/365.

That's what the Bible says. Right? 

So if the Bible tells us to do them all the time, 24/7/365, why do we so undervalue them? Why do we minimize them? 

Why is it lip service the most we offer them at times?

Why do we not invest our free time to doing these things?

Let's see... the things we do on this earth are temporary for the most part, right? They will not last when we die. Yet, we give these things more attention and thought than to the things of our soul. 

Why is that?

We give the Sunday school answers of: "Yes. We should do these things." We might even discuss how badly we have been at this and what we want to do to change it. But, do we? Do our calendars/schedules/planners reveal we have time devoted each day to these things? And do they have that in the past, present, and future?

I am not trying to throw stones. Not when I am looking in the mirror. 

This is just something I have been thinking of and have been trying to address in my own life. 

And I thought it might be advantageous to present these thoughts and questions here. Because if it is a struggle for me, I think it might be for others. 

How can we truly devote a majority of our time to doing these things rather than saying we are? 

What I love about all these things is that we can do them WHILE we do other things. 

Also, I think since they are eternal things, and have eternal value, that we should devote some time in our schedules each day to do these things and just not say that we want to or should. 

I think rather than address why we aren't... maybe we should just start doing it. 

Shall we do this?

Let's do this.

Let's rejoice, pray, give thanks, and meditate on the Bible. Today. In this moment.

And in the next moment.

And in the next.

Let's make our eternal things far more important than the things of this world (which are the things that do not last).
