I cannot imagine what it would be like to live a life without journaling.
Just the thought boggles my mind.
I live a purposeful/intentional, meaningful, more peaceful life because I journal.
Journaling is a great balancer. It makes me be a more-balanced person and live a well-balanced life.
The truth is when I fail to journal, my life unravels. I am no longer the same person and I become a great deal more uneasy, agitated, emotional... and let me just put it out there: moody.
Journaling makes me healthier.
It brings me peace and joy.
I am a much better person because I journal, and I live a much better life because I journal.
Journaling Prompts or Questions
Journal your thoughts on what you just read.
What do you think about journaling?
What do you feel about journaling?
What does journaling offer you?
What could journaling offer you?
What do you want to get out of journaling? Overall? Today?