April 07, 2022, Thursday was a wakeup call for me.
About halfway through the day, I realized I felt like my journaling and writing life were spiraling out of control. I even wrote a blog post about it: The grass is greener! Wait. Or is it?. That's when I decided that fiction writing was a distraction for me and was meant to keep me from doing what really matters to me and what brings me the most meaning in this life (in additional to my faith).
For over 39 years (and I am less than 5 decades in age), I have been a journal keeper. In fact, I have journaled every day since 2001 for sure, but mostly every day since 1993.
If I were to describe myself, it is always: I am a journal keeper. that's because it's not just something I do, but it is who I am.
I carry a journal with me everywhere I go. Literally. Even throughout my house. This, too, I have done for years.
Journaling brings my life great meaning.
Journaling is where I capture my life on the page.
It's the way I think things through.
It's how I work through a puzzle or problem.
It brings me great joy, satisfaction, meaning, and purpose.
Journaling is where I go for refuge.
But, mostly, it is in my journal that I meet God.
Journaling is a way of life for me. It's how I live the best life possible.
There is nothing in this world, no activity, that is as meaningful to me as journaling (which is why I prayer journal and journal through the Bible).
Journaling has saved me from myself and has gotten me through some very tough times.
This is why I am going to stop trying to do everything else and just do what is so important to me and that which brings me and my life so much meaning.
My name is Stacy and I am a journal keeper.