November 27, 2022 marks the first Sunday in Advent for this year.

Advent is a holy time. It is the period of preparation and celebration of the birth and life of our Savior Jesus Christ. It’s a recognition of what happened and what He did for us when He came to earth as fully man and God.

He was born and lived so He could teach us how to worship His Father.

He came so that we can be forgiven and saved from our sins (wrongdoings and going against the will of God the Father).

He came so that we can live. Eternal life. Forever with Him and the Father.

Advent is the about the month of December and lasts four weeks as we celebrate the Christmas season and acknowledge and remember what He did so that we can live.

God came from Heaven, formed in the womb, was born, and lived on this planet as a man.

He came to show us how much He loves us.

{Journaling Prompts or Questions: Journal your thoughts about what you just read.}

Advent in Latin means “coming.”

Jesus is coming.

And we are coming to the Father every day during the season of Advent (of Christ-Mass; of the holy-day/holiday) as we recognize the birth of Jesus and what it means to us: Forgiveness and eternal life if we believe in Jesus.

He is coming. We will mark the celebration of His birth on December 25th.

{Journaling Prompts or Questions: Journal your thoughts about what you just read.}

His birth celebration is coming.

Are we ready?

Are you ready? {A Journaling Prompt: Answer that question in your journal.}

How can you prepare? How can you be ready? What does that look like? {A Journaling Prompt: Answer those questions in your journal.}

Jesus Christ was born.

He was and is real. He existed.

He was here on earth. He lived and resided here. He walked on this planet.

{Journaling Prompts or Questions: Journal your thoughts about what you just read.}

Jesus came, was born, and lived, and was God with us (Immanuel).

God with us.

He is with us.

This is what Jesus did. God with us.

{Journaling Prompts or Questions: Journal your thoughts about what you just read. Do at least one 10-minute SOC as you ponder all this.}

God with us. Believe this. Know it with all your heart and mind.

God is with you. Now. Always. Believe this. Know this. Celebrate this.

{Journaling Prompts or Questions: Journal your thoughts about what you just read. What does all this mean to you? What does this mean for your life? What does this mean for you today?}


John 3:16-17

Matthew 1:23

Micah 5:2

{Journaling Prompts or Questions: Journal your thoughts about what you just read. Do at least one 10-minute SOC as you ponder all this.}
