
Let us read for strength

Let us read this

Read the 2 previous blog posts. Then read this.

It is war: Call to duty to all in the Church

Do not believe the news

I read


I read

Pray for Israel

I read

I read

I read

I read

I read

How seriously do you take your faith?: A journaling question and prompt


I read

I read

Exodus 8

Exodus 7

I read

I read

I read

Psalm 4

John 14

Genesis 48

Genesis 47

Genesis 46


Genesis 45

Genesis 44

A Daily Thought: A Starting Point

A Daily Thought

Genesis 43


A Daily Thought

A Daily Thought

Genesis 42

Genesis 41

A Daily Thought

A New Faith Journaling Series: A Daily Thought

A Daily Thought

Share every moment with Him

The Judge: Are you fully listening?

1 John 1

Genesis 39-40

Genesis 37-38

Genesis 35-36


Genesis 34

Genesis 33

Genesis 32

Do you talk more or listen more?

2 steps back, 1 step forward

Reflection: Not where I want to be spiritually for 2023 (a course change)

Praying for Georgia

A 1:00 a.m. call to pray

Hosea 1

Genesis 31

Genesis 30

Genesis 29

Praying for Florida

Psalm 119:1

Psalm 119: The main page

Starting over... again...

Genesis 18-28

Genesis 15-17

Be fully with God

Psalm 8

Proverbs 21:14-16

Psalm 34:11-22

1 Corinthians 10:14-33

Nehemiah 11-12

Genesis 13-14

Genesis 11-12

Ephesians 5:15‭-‬16

Next week

Matthew 6:33

Romans 12:2

Genesis 7-10

Genesis 5-6

Genesis 1-4

Isaiah 1

Day of rest

I Don't Follow Men or Women (No Idols)

Doing the Hard Stuff

Learning About God and Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4: The Main Page (Index)

Philippians 4:13: Journaling Prompts and Questions

Current Writing Projects

God: Learning About Him Verse By Verse: The List and Its Main Page (An Index)

God: Learning About Him Verse By Verse (A Devotional Journal and List): The Main Page

Count Your Blessings: A Journaling Prompt

Hosea 6

How well do I know God and about Him?

Get in touch (reach out to the one that comes to mind)

How well do you know God?

Who is God?

Trust in God

Life can change in the blink of an eye


The Purposes of Journal Keeper SD Blog

Where should you start with this blog?

The Main Page for Each Book of the Bible (An Index)

Journaling: The Main Page

A Very Blessed Life, Book 1: The Main Page

A Very Blessed Life Series: The Main Page

A Very Blessed Life: A New Journaling, Blog, and Book Series

The more I journal, the less I know about journaling

Journaling is how I pray and is how I worship God

A new day at the end of the month (journaling prompts or questions)

Memorial Day

The Book of Romans

Paper and pen journaling

Psalm 37

2 Kings 21

2 Kings 20

2 Kings 19

Psalms 1-6

The Book of Revelation (Main Page)

Revelation 1

Deuteronomy 30

Our nation

Isaiah 55

Psalm 14

Psalm 91

Keep It Simple. Just Believe.

Reading the Harmonized Gospels for Lent

Seek First (Matthew 6:33-34)

Prayer Points

Small or Short Journal Entries of This Blog (To Make Us Think)

Monday Morning

Lent 2023

The Book of Romans (Main Page)

Why Have Faith? Why Believe in Jesus?: Heaven or Hell

Luke 15

GOD STILL LOVES US IF… (An Unconditional Love; the Prodigal Son; Luke 15:11-31)

A Weekly Review of Journal Entries for February 12 to 18, 2023 (Highlights)

Blog Design

God’s Love and Romans 8:38-39

God's Love (Verses About; A Biblical Theme Index)

The Book of Joshua (Main Page)

Joshua 1

The Book of Luke (Main Page)

The Book of Psalms (Main Page)

The Book of Ruth (Main Page)

Ruth 1

The Main Blog Pages for Each Book of the Bible (and List of the Books of the Bible in Order): The Main Page

Ruth 1:16

Verses Today: February 18, 2023, Sat.:

When things don’t go your way (when God says no and closes a door)

Good morning, Lord, I am tired and need Your strength

Rest and Matthew 11:28‭-‬30

As I wake, before I get out of bed

When things do not go as you expect

Lord, make my strongest desire

Goodbye, see you later

Be still for a moment

Prayer Points for Today

Hebrews 12:1-2 and Joshua 1:9: Meditating on the Bible
